+(65) 6816 2969



FindWitness is a platform designed to connect accident victims with witnesses who can provide crucial information in relation to their case. This ‘useful information’ may be in the form of witness accounts, photos, or videos.

Accident Victims often find themselves in a difficult situation of having no witnesses or evidence to prove their case in the event of a dispute.

On the other hand, anybody may, by chance, witness an accident occurring, but are unable to offer immediate help or assistance to the victims due to the circumstances at the time of the accident.

FindWitness aims to bridge this gap by providing a portal through which accident victims may submit search requests for useful information for free. Should there be a match, assisted victims will be required to pay a fee if they are satisfied with the information provided.


FindWitness aims to connect accident victims with witnesses, incentivize witnesses of accidents to come forward with crucial information and minimize the number of cases that cannot be brought to a satisfactory settlement for the victims due to a lack of evidence.